International Conference on Intellectual Property System in Asia
On December 10, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law held an international conference titled "IP System in Asia: Convergence and Harmonization of IP System in Asian Countries" at the Asian Legal Exchange Plaza. It was convened in connection with the research project supported by JSPS Kakenhi Grant (17H00963) conducted by Professor Masabumi Suzuki as the PI.At the conference, eleven young specialists from abroad (Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam) gave presentations. All of them were former students in the doctoral program of NUGSL. Several senior scholars from Japan, China, and Germany were also invited as commentators, and many former and current graduate students were in the audience.While the current status of efforts to harmonize IP systems in the EU and Asia was clarified, it was also explained that each country has its own specific problems regarding IP protection. The conference was also an opportunity to build and strengthen a human network among young experts from NUGSL, as well as senior researchers from other countries.